青少年領導才能培訓 班

2018 Open House 精彩照片
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青年領袖培訓計劃(“YLP”)是大洛杉磯地區的一個非營利教育組織。它完全由學員家長義務支持運作,其使命是幫助13至18歲的年輕一代通過課堂討論練習, 及參與社區服務和慈善活動,發展他們的溝通,社交及領導能力。YLP的學生每隔一週的星期天舉行交流培訓,並全年參加各種社區服務。
YLP係台灣台北第一女高校友Min Lin Cheng女士於1992年成立。繼南加州的北一女校友會(AATFGH)長久以來參與支持多種活動回饋社區後,2019年起由美國北一女校友基金會(American Beiyinu Alumnae Foundation, "ABAF")繼續支持。自2015-2016學年起,YLP成立少年演說家協會 (簡稱“YAS”) Gavel Club, 成為國際演講協會(Toastmasters International) 的青少年分會。國際演講協會是世界性的非營利演說培訓組織,自1924年以來,一直致力於領導力和溝通力發展。目前,擁有全球142個國家的345,000名會員。我們與Toastmasters的合作關係不僅為我們的學生提供他們獨特的培訓課程,學生們也能獲得全球性的溝通和領導能力認證。
在課堂會議中,YLP / YAS Gavel Club學生輪流擔任演講者或講評者,演講主題涵蓋各種生活時事,在此過程中學生獲得實際參加會議和個人演講的經驗,同時學習主持會議,即興演講,演說結構,有效傾聽,使用適當的姿勢,語音和詞彙等。此外,YLP / YAS Gavel Club還提供由專業人士講授的研習課程,以提高我們學生的溝通和領導能力。
除此以外,YLP 學生還積極服務社區和參與慈善活動,包括每年一度的United Way Homewalk
及其他募捐活動; 捐贈日用品給無家遊民;前往耆英療養院關注長者,報聖誕佳音,為其他青年團體舉辦溝通及演講研討會。 YLP 學生從這些活動中可以接觸到社會問題,引發他們對人道主義的關注,並提供可以和真實觀眾互動的平臺,讓同學們實習課堂所學及建立自信。
YLP 還有許多健康、安全而有趣的團體活動,如旅行郊遊、睡衣派對、看電影、打保
YLP 的最終目標是期望每一位同學畢業時都能帶著更多的自信與成長向前邁進。希望同
學們都能在 YLP 的學習過程中獲得許多樂趣,建立和其他同學的終生友誼,具備對社會
Janis Yao (626) 590-2187
Carrie Han (626) 993-7023

The Youth Leadership Program (“YLP”) is a non-profit educational organization in the greater Los Angeles area. It is run entirely by volunteer parents, with a mission to help our younger generations between the ages from 13 to 18 develop their communication, social and leadership skills through classroom discussions, exercises and participation in actual community services and humanitarian activities. YLP students meet once every two weeks on Sundays for communication trainings and participate in various community services throughout the year.
YLP was established over 20 years ago by Ms. Min Lin Cheng, an alumnus of Taipei First Girls High School, a top Taiwanese all-girls high school. The Alumni Association of Taipei First Girl High School (AATFGH) based in Southern California gives back to its communities in many ways, including its continuous sponsorship for YLP. Beginning 2019, YLP will be sponsored by American Beiyinu Alumnae Foundation ("ABAF"). Since the 2015-2016 year, YLP students founded the Youth Association of Speakers (“YAS”) Gavel Club, a Toastmasters affiliate for members under 18. The YAS Gavel Club is now a part of the family of Toastmasters International, a world-class, non-profit organization in leadership and communications development since 1924. With its current 345,000 members active in 142 countries around the globe, our partnership with Toastmasters will not only benefit our students by presenting their special training, but also enabling our students to be awarded for communication and leadership achievements that will be recognized worldwide.
During class meetings, YLP/YAS Gavel Club students partake alternately in speaker and evaluator roles, covering a wide variety of topics and current events, acquiring practical group meeting and individual presentation experiences in the process, while developing the skills of chairmanship, impromptu speaking, speech organization, effective listening, using proper gesture, voice and vocabulary, etc. In addition, YLP/YAS Gavel Club continues to provide training workshops facilitated by communication professionals to enhance our student’s communication and leadership skills.
YLP/YAS Gavel Club students actively participate in community services and charitable activities, including involvement in the annual United Way Homewalk and/or other charitable fundraisers; visiting senior nursing homes to talk and sing to senior citizens, conducting communication and speech workshop for other youth groups; making and donating welcome home kits for Skid Row residents; These activities expose our students to societal issues and involvement to give them a broader perspective of life, spark humanitarian interests, and offer real-life platforms in which to practice what they learn from class and build confidence by frequent interaction with large audiences.
YLP/YAS Gavel Club students also have plenty of fun learning about interpersonal relationship, teamwork, problem solving, and other life skills throughgroup activities from time to time (e.g., outings, sleepover parties, movies, bowling, cooking competitions, Christmas gift exchange, etc. as determined by students and approved by parents) all within a safe and age-appropriate YLP/YAS Gavel Club environment.
It is the ultimate goal of YLP/YAS Gavel Club that, upon graduation of our program, each student will emerge with greater self-confidence and personal growth. All would have had a lot of fun and better equipped with the critical communication and leadership skills; developed a life-longfriendship with their YLP/YAS Gavel Club peers, a stronger awareness of societal issues and a greater humanitarian interest, before embarking on their higher education journey or pursuing other personal interests and becoming future leaders of whatever their personal aspirations and potential take them!
Contact us
Janis Yao (626) 590-2187
Carrie Han (626) 993-7023